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套餐 Set

馬友友佳節歡聚餐 MIK festival get-together dining
Amuse Bouche: Salad, Popadum, Sauce / Appetizers [Choose 1): Samosa, Aloo Bonda, Dahi Puchka, Malai Tikka,Chicken Tikko, Tofu Tidka / Bread(Choose 2]: Plain, Butter, Garlic, Spices / Curry (Choose 2]: Mix Vegetable, Dal Tadka Paneer, Chicken, Seafood / Rice *2 / Side Dish (Choose 2): Dal Soup, Soft Drink, Tea, Dessert
餐前小點:沙拉、香料脆餅、醬料 / 前菜(擇一):
咖哩餃、香料馬鈴薯、脆球點心、炭烤優格雞、炭烤香料雞、炭烤豆腐 / 烤餅(擇二):原味、奶油、香蒜、香料 / 咖哩(擇二):綜合鮮蔬、黃豆、起司、雞肉、海鮮 / 飯X2 / 副食(擇二):豆子湯、軟性飲料、茶、甜點NT$1,198.001,198.00 TWD

蔬食咖哩餃4個佐羅望子醬&薄荷醬、 前菜(擇1):坦都香料烤豆腐8個/坦都香料烤雞8個、 鷹嘴豆瑪沙拉咖哩、 咖哩(擇1):奶油雞咖哩 / 起司奶油瑪沙拉咖哩、 咖哩(擇1):鮮魚咖哩 / 綜合蔬菜瑪沙拉咖哩、 烤餅(擇4):原味/奶油/香蒜/起司、 香料飯4份、 飲料(擇4):香料奶茶/軟性飲品
Vegetarian Samosas* 4 pc with tamarind & mint sauce, Appetizers (choose 1): Td. Tofu 8pcs / td. chicken tikka 8pcs, Chana Masala, Curry (choose 1): Butter Chicken / Paneer butter masala, Curry (choose 1): Fish curry / Mix vegetable masala Naan (choose 4): Plain / butter / garlic / cheese, Spices rice ×4, Drink (choose 4): Masala tea / soft drinksNT$2,800.002,800.00 TWD

蔬食咖哩餃6個佐羅望子醬&薄荷醬、 前菜(擇1):坦都香料烤豆腐12個/坦都香料烤雞12個、 咖哩(擇1):海鮮咖哩 / 鷹嘴豆瑪沙拉咖哩、 咖哩(擇1):牛肉瑪沙拉咖哩 / 菠菜起司咖哩、 飯(擇1):雞肉 / 蔬菜印度香料炒飯、 烤餅(擇6):原味/奶油/香蒜/起司、 脆餅&沙拉 飲料(擇6):香料奶茶/軟性飲品 Vegetarian Samosas* 6 pc with tamarind & mint sauce, Appetizers (choose 1): Td. Tofu 12pcs / td. chicken tikka 12pcs, Curry (choose 1): Seafood curry / Chana Masala, Curry (choose 1): Beef masala / Palak paneer, Rice (choose 1): Chicken / Vegetable Biryani Naan (choose 6): Plain / butter / garlic / cheese, Papadums & Salad, Drink (choose 6): Masala tea / soft drinksNT$3,800.003,800.00 TWD

坦都香料烤蘑菇、 前菜(擇1):坦都香料烤豆腐16個/坦都香料烤雞16個、 咖哩(擇1):海鮮咖哩 / 綜合蔬菜瑪沙拉咖哩、 咖哩(擇2):牛肉瑪沙拉咖哩 / 羊肉瑪沙拉咖哩 / 蘑菇咖哩 / 菠菜起司咖哩、 飯(擇1):雞肉 / 蔬菜印度香料炒飯、 烤餅(擇8):原味/奶油/香蒜/起司、 脆餅&沙拉 飲料(擇1):瓶裝酒 / 軟性飲品8份 Tandoori Mushroom, Appetizers (choose 1): Td. Tofu 16pcs / td. chicken tikka 16pcs, Curry (choose 1): Seafood curry / Mix veg masala, Curry (choose 2): beef masala / lamb masala / Mushroom curry / palak paneer, Rice (choose 1): Chicken / Vegetable Biryani Naan (choose 8): Plain / butter / garlic / cheese, Papadums & Salad, Drink (choose 1): bottle of wine / soft drink ×8NT$5,800.005,800.00 TWD

單點 Ala carte
Vegetarian Bites 蔬食前菜
Roasted lentil crackers with veg. toppings and mint sauce
將烤好的脆餅,灑上洋蔥丁、蕃茄丁…等,加上綜合香料調味NT$150.00150.00 TWD

Crispy dumplings with vegetarian stuffing
內餡為混合香料的綜合蔬菜,外皮酥脆NT$150.00150.00 TWD

West Bengal favorite puffed crispy snack filled with yogurt,tamarind and mint sauces
球型中空脆皮,內餡為豆子餅乾、馬鈴薯丁及優格醬、薄荷醬...等。NT$170.00170.00 TWD

Fresh Potato cigar shaped wedges marinated and deep fried served with sauce.
以醬汁醃製新鮮馬鈴薯炸成,搭配自製佐醬。NT$150.00150.00 TWD

Deep fried onion, potatoes and vegetables coated with gram flour & spices
各類蔬菜包裏上混合著香料的豆子粉炸成。NT$170.00170.00 TWD

Spinach, Potato, spices and cashew nuts veg. kebab served with mint and tamarind chutney.
菠菜、馬鈴薯、香料和腰果製成蔬菜餅搭配薄荷醬及蘿望子醬。NT$180.00180.00 TWD

An Indian street savoury dish of Samosa with cooked chickpeas & trio of sauces on top.
印度街頭開胃菜,碎蔬菜咖哩餃配上鷹嘴豆和三種調味醬。NT$220.00220.00 TWD

Non-Vegetarian Bites 葷食前菜
The mix of cigars, kebabs, falafel, veggies and mint, tamarind, yoghurt sauces.
混合雪茄薯條、碳烤蔬菜沙拉佐薄荷、蘿望子、優格醬。NT$220.00220.00 TWD

Marinated and minced chicken bbq kebab cooked on skewers in Charcoal oven served with chutneys and meze.
將香料調味至雞肉泥中製成條串放入烤爐中窯烤,搭配佐醬與配菜。NT$290.00290.00 TWD

Curried flavour boneless buffalo chunks skewered with
vegetable, served with sauce.
將混和香料的蔬菜及咖哩風味牛腩放入烤爐中窯烤成串,搭配佐醬。NT$340.00340.00 TWD

Marinated Shrimps with skin skewered on charcoal served with sauce and meze.
將混和香蒜的蝦子碳烤成串,搭配佐醬與配菜。NT$350.00350.00 TWD

Marinated and minced lamb bbq kebab cooked on skewers in Charcoal oven served with chutneys and meze.
將香料調味至羊肉泥中製成條串放入烤爐中窯烤,搭配佐醬與配菜。NT$350.00350.00 TWD

Marinated peeled Prawns skewered on charcoal served with sauce and meze.
香料醃漬明蝦後碳烤成串,搭配佐醬與配菜。NT$580.00580.00 TWD

What is Tandoor?Tandoor is a cylindrical clay or metal oven traditionally used in India for cooking and baking. The heat for Tandoor is usually generated by charcoal or wood fire, burning within the Tandoor itself, thus exposing the food to live fire. Temperatures in a Tandoor can approach 480°C (900°F) 坦都是一種用泥土或是金屬製成的圓形烤爐,用來烹飪窯烤。坦都烤爐通常是用木炭或是木頭在爐內生火,溫度可達到攝氏480度(華氏900度)的高溫
Roasted pai ye tofu marinated in spices and herbs.
NT$220.00220.00 TWD

Roasted button mushroom marinated in spices and herbs.
將綜合香料、蕃紅花及優格調味蘑菇後,放入烤爐中窯烤。NT$280.00280.00 TWD

Roasted Vegetable with tamarind sauce.
NT$280.00280.00 TWD

Roasted boneless chicken breast, marinated with fennel, yogurt and spices.
去骨雞胸肉醃於香料、優格、鮮奶油...等,再用坦都烤爐碳烤製成NT$350.00350.00 TWD

Marinated and roasted boneless chicken thigh.
去骨雞腿肉醃於辣椒、芥子油及胡椒多種香料中,再用坦都烤爐碳烤製成NT$350.00350.00 TWD

Boneless Chicken thigh marinated in Kashmiri chili paste and hot spices.
去骨雞腿肉醃於喀什米爾辣椒醬和多種辛香料中,放入烤爐中窯烤NT$325.00325.00 TWD

Overnight marinated lamb chops with hot spices and roasted ala-minute.
羊排醃於多種辛香料中,使用坦都碳烤而成NT$450.00450.00 TWD

Roasted scallops flavoured with fennel,carom seeds & star anise.
干貝醃於小茴香、八角及綜合香料後放入烤爐中窯烤NT$490.00490.00 TWD

Roasted jumbo prawns marinated with garlic, yogurt & spices
明蝦醃於大蒜、優格和多種香料後放入烤爐中窯烤NT$590.00590.00 TWD

烤餅是無加”奶類製品”除了起司餡烤餅NT$50.0050.00 TWD

SALADS (Big portion for 2) 新鮮沙拉(二人份)
Watercress, lettuce, Radicchio, mix seasonal fruits, beans and legumes.
西洋菜、生菜、菊苣、混合時令水果、豆類。NT$240.00240.00 TWD

Mixed mushrooms, roasted pepper, watercress, lettuce, tomato, onion and parmesan cheese in a balsamic cumin vinaigrette.
綜合炒菇、烤甜椒、美生菜、水芹、番茄、洋蔥和帕馬森起司,佐義大利孜然油醋。NT$190.00190.00 TWD

Raw Onion, Carrot, Radish, Tomato, Green chilli and Lemon, chat masala on top.
生洋蔥、胡蘿蔔、蘿蔔、番茄、綠辣椒和檸檬,撒上特製香料粉。NT$90.0090.00 TWD

Onion chop, tomato chop, cucumber chop, cilantro, spices and lemon juice, chat masala on the bed of lettuce and greens.
洋蔥切片、番茄切片、黃瓜切片、香菜,香料和檸檬汁,鋪上生菜和蔬菜瑪沙拉。NT$120.00120.00 TWD

Mixed nuts, dried fruits, lettuce, watercress, apple and pickled beets in a Greek yoghurt sauce and date syrup.
綜合堅果配上水果果乾、美生菜、水芹、洋蔥、蘋果和醃漬甜菜根,佐希臘優格醬和有機棗蜜。NT$270.00270.00 TWD

meze 開胃小點
Dip made from tahini, garlic, salt and lemon juice with chopped parsley garnish.
芝麻醬、大蒜、鹽和檸檬汁,以切碎的歐芹裝飾。NT$120.00120.00 TWD

Plain or Chopped Mint or Parsley mixed strained yogurt.
完整或切碎的薄荷或歐芹混希臘式優格。NT$0.000.00 TWD

Dip made from plain yoghurt, chopped cucumber with finely chopped garlic and mint leaf.
使用純優格、切碎的黃瓜、大蒜和薄荷葉製成的醬。NT$120.00120.00 TWD

A hot pepper dip with ground walnuts, breadcrumbs, garlic, salt, lemon juice, and olive oil.
辣椒浸以磨碎的核桃,麵包屑,大蒜,鹽,檸檬汁和橄欖油。NT$150.00150.00 TWD

Roasted eggplant (aubergine) mashed and mixed with seasonings.
搗碎烤茄子並與調味料混合。NT$190.00190.00 TWD

Felafel is a vegetarian deep-fried ball, made from ground chickpeas and beans served with mint yoghurt and sauce.
一種素食油炸球,由鷹嘴豆和豆子製成,配以薄荷優格和醬汁。NT$190.00190.00 TWD

Salad made from several garden vegetables and toasted or fried pieces of pita bread.
由數種田園蔬菜以及炸烤皮塔餅製成的沙拉。NT$180.00180.00 TWD

Also known as Arabic bread is a yeast-leavened round flatbread baked from wheat flour, common in the Mediterranean, Middle East, and neighbouring areas.
又稱阿拉伯薄麵包或口袋餅,是一種圓形口袋狀麵食,廣泛流行於希臘、土耳其、巴爾幹半島、地中海東部地區和阿拉伯半島。NT$90.0090.00 TWD

NT$190.00190.00 TWD

NT$250.00250.00 TWD

NT$290.00290.00 TWD

Hummus is a Levantine cuisine's spread made from cooked, mashed chickpeas, blended with tahini, olive oil, lemon juice, salt, and garlic.
鷹嘴豆泥是黎凡特食物。由煮熟的土豆泥製成,混合芝麻醬,橄欖油,檸檬汁,鹽和大蒜。NT$120.00120.00 TWD

A popular dish from Morocco and Turkey of poached eggs in a sauce of tomatoes, chilli peppers, and garlic, commonly spiced with cumin, paprika, cayenne pepper, and nutmegServed with Pita bread and yoghurt.
來自摩洛哥和土耳其的一道受歡迎的菜餚,包括西紅柿、辣椒和大蒜醬汁中的荷包蛋,通常用孜然、辣椒粉、辣椒和肉荳蔻調味,搭配皮塔餅和優格。NT$280.00280.00 TWD

Shawarma is one of the world's most popular street foods, especially in Egypt and the countries of the Levant and the Arabian Peninsula.It’s Middle Eastern meat preparation based on the döner kebab of Turkey. Served with pita bread, chicken, Veg relish/salad, potato cigars and mint yogurt.
沙威瑪以土耳其烤肉串為基礎的中東肉類製作,是世界上最受歡迎的街頭食品之一,尤其是在埃及以及黎凡特和阿拉伯半島的國家;配以皮塔餅、雞肉、蔬菜/沙拉,土豆雪茄和薄荷優格。NT$250.00250.00 TWD

Shawarma is one of the world's most popular street foods, especially in Egypt and the countries of the Levant and the Arabian Peninsula.It’s Middle Eastern meat preparation based on the döner kebab of Turkey. Served with pita bread, lamb, Veg relish/salad, potato cigars and mint yogurt.
沙威瑪以土耳其烤肉串為基礎的中東肉類製作,是世界上最受歡迎的街頭食品之一,尤其是在埃及以及黎凡特和阿拉伯半島的國家;配以皮塔餅、羊肉、蔬菜/沙拉,土豆雪茄和薄荷優格。NT$350.00350.00 TWD

It’s is an Israeli sandwich based on a traditional Iraqi Jewish dish. It consists of pita stuffed with fried eggplant and Israeli hard boiled eggs, salad and tahini.
一種基於傳統伊拉克猶太菜色的以色列三明治:皮塔餅配炸茄子和以色列煮雞蛋、沙拉和芝麻醬。NT$150.00150.00 TWD
Pita bread stuffed with marinated chicken, baba ghanoush, Israeli eggs, salad and tahini.
皮塔餅塞入醃製雞肉、與調味料混合的搗碎烤茄子、以色列雞蛋、沙拉和芝麻醬。NT$190.00190.00 TWD
Yellow lentils tempered with garlic,onions,tomatoes and cumin seed
黃扁豆和蒜、洋蔥及蕃茄及小茴香籽用小火一起燉煮成咖哩,口味清爽NT$230.00230.00 TWD

Indian village style chickpeas curry with hot spices, tomato, onions
印度鄉村風味鷹嘴豆和蕃茄、洋蔥、辛香料等小火燉製成傳統濃郁咖哩NT$230.00230.00 TWD

Golden brown eggs cooked in reduced tomato & onion curry.
黃金色雞蛋與蕃茄、洋蔥瑪莎拉咖哩裡烹煮而成濃郁的料理。NT$230.00230.00 TWD

Fresh seasonal mixed vegetables cooked in cashewnut curry.
當季綜合蔬菜和洋蔥、蕃茄以及多種香料製成濃郁香料咖哩。NT$295.00295.00 TWD

Potatoes and cauliflower cooked with cumin seeds, tomatoes and onions
將馬鈴薯和花椰菜和孜然、蕃茄、洋蔥等香料拌炒製成濃郁家常菜NT$280.00280.00 TWD

Seasonal vegetable sauteed with chili & tomato reduced masala curry
當季蔬菜和小茴香、香菜籽料理於辣椒、蕃茄的瑪莎拉咖哩中拌炒NT$275.00275.00 TWD

White mushroom and green peas cooked in tomato and cashew nut rich curry finished with fenugreek leaves
青豆仁、蕃茄、碎堅果以及葫蘆巴葉...等香料小火燉製,加入蘑菇煮成咖哩NT$295.00295.00 TWD

Blend of Mughlai and Hyderabadi cuisine , saffron flavoured basmati rice slowly cooked with vegetables,herbs ,tomatoes and fresh yoghurt
番紅花等香料搭配蔬菜、香料飯快炒而成,搭配原味優格食用NT$340.00340.00 TWD

A Punjabi dish of mashed aubergines sauteed with cow’s ghee, spices and cilantro.
旁遮普菜,使用搗碎的茄子和奶油、香料以及香菜一起炒製成濃郁瑪莎拉。NT$320.00320.00 TWD

White button mushrooms cooked in spinach curry, tempered with garlic and red chili flakes
新鮮菠菜打成泥,和大蒜、辣椒片及香料小火燉製,加入蘑菇煮成咖哩NT$320.00320.00 TWD

Cottage cheese and green peas cooked in onions and tomato masala finished with fenugreek leaves
自製起司乳酪塊加入以青豆仁、蕃茄、奶油、葫蘆巴葉等香料小火燉煮成咖哩NT$250.00250.00 TWD

Cottage cheese tossed with peppers, cooked in onion and tomato masala curry
自製起司乳酪塊和青椒、甜椒以及綜合香料等拌炒而成NT$280.00280.00 TWD

Cottage cheese cooked in rich creamy tomato curry
自製起司乳酪塊於奶油、蕃茄、香料...等,燉煮而成NT$325.00325.00 TWD

Homemade cottage cheese cooked in spinach puree tempered with garlic and red chili flakes
新鮮菠菜打成泥,和大蒜、辣椒片、葫蘆巴葉等香料小火燉製,再與自製起司塊煮成咖哩NT$325.00325.00 TWD

Homemade cottage cheese cooked in cashew nut and tomato curry.
自製起司乳酪塊加入腰果泥及蕃茄咖哩中燉煮而成。NT$325.00325.00 TWD

Mashed cottage cheese with onion and tomatoes finished with green coriander
磨碎的自製起司乳酪丁和洋蔥、蕃茄拌炒,再搭配香菜提味NT$350.00350.00 TWD

Chunks of cottage cheese tossed with peppers and special Karahi masala
自製起司乳酪丁加入胡椒、特製卡岱風格瑪沙拉NT$350.00350.00 TWD

London’s favorite boneless roasted chicken tossed with peppers and mixed hot spices
去骨雞肉於坦都烤爐中烤後,炒入濃郁的香料瑪沙拉中NT$325.00325.00 TWD

Roasted tandoori chicken thigh cooked in rich tomato, cashewnut and butter curry.
碳烤的去骨雞腿肉和蕃茄、堅果、奶油及各種香料燉製而成。NT$350.00350.00 TWD

Boneless chicken cooked in Punjabi style spinach curry. tempered with garlic and red chili flakes
去骨雞肉與旁遮普的方式的菠菜咖哩煮成,加入大蒜、辣椒....等香料小火燉製NT$350.00350.00 TWD

Mughlai style chicken dish with rich tomato and cashewnut curry.
當季綜合蔬菜、新鮮雞肉及多種香料製成濃郁的香料咖哩。NT$350.00350.00 TWD

Nawab’s favorite hot spices marinated fresh meat cooked with herbs, tomatoes,fresh yoghurt & imported basmati rice. (Choose chicken leg / breast)
番紅花等香料搭配蔬菜、新鮮雞肉、香料飯快炒而成,再搭配原味優格食用NT$350.00350.00 TWD

Tilapia fish fillet cooked with onions, tomatoes, curry leaves in Andhra style
鯛魚片和洋蔥、蕃茄、咖哩葉及香料燉製成安德拉風味咖哩NT$350.00350.00 TWD

Prawns cooked with onions, tomatoes, curry leaves in Andhra style
明蝦和洋蔥、蕃茄、咖哩葉及香料燉製成安德拉風味咖哩NT$450.00450.00 TWD

Seafood cooked in authentic Goan style
綜合海鮮和多種香料及椰奶一起燉製而成NT$390.00390.00 TWD

Charcoal roasted scallop cooked in tomato curry.
將干貝烤後加入咖哩葉、蕃茄咖哩香料中燉煮而成。NT$490.00490.00 TWD

Boneless leg of lamb cooked with onion, tomato, yogurt and whole hot spices.
去骨羊腿肉加入洋蔥、蕃茄、優格和辣椒片等香料一起燉製而成的咖哩。NT$390.00390.00 TWD

Lamb shanks cooked in tomato, hot spices, cashew nut like Jama masjid style.
去骨羊腿肉烹以果阿地區方式烹煮於辛香料中,呈現酸、辣風味咖哩NT$430.00430.00 TWD

Boneless lamb leg chunks cooked in onion, tomatoes curry tempered with fenugreek leaves.
去骨羊腿肉塊烹煮於以洋蔥、蕃茄、葫蘆巴葉的咖哩醬中NT$390.00390.00 TWD

Boneless lamb cooked with spinach puree tempered with garlic and red chili flakes
新鮮菠菜打成泥,和大蒜、辣椒片...等香料小火燉製,再加入去骨羊腿肉烹煮NT$430.00430.00 TWD

Blend of Mughlai and Andhra cuisine, saffron flavoured basmati rice
加入番紅花風味的香料飯,搭配多種香料、羊腿肉及蕃茄快炒而成,搭配原味優格食用NT$395.00395.00 TWD

Side dishes 副食
Cucumber, onion, tomato and lemon.
黃瓜、洋蔥、番茄和檸檬。NT$75.0075.00 TWD

Homemade fresh corn soup.
新鮮家常蔬菜玉米濃湯NT$85.0085.00 TWD

Homemade fresh lentil soup.
豆子磨成泥狀與香料燉煮而成的家常豆子湯NT$90.0090.00 TWD

Homemade yoghurt garnish with cucumber or vegetables and spices
自製原味優格加上新鮮蔬菜和香料混合NT$90.0090.00 TWD

Hand picked fresh farm eggs sauteed with onion and spices
新鮮雞蛋和洋蔥快速拌炒,再用印度香料調味製成NT$120.00120.00 TWD

Indian basmati rice tossed with cumin seeds
小茴香籽及加入香料於米飯中快炒而成NT$95.0095.00 TWD

Dessert 甜點
Ball shaped dumplings of milk solids which are deep fried then soaked in a thick sugar syrup.
由印度牛奶乳酪炸成球型,再與糖水煮成,為熱甜品NT$90.0090.00 TWD

Ball shaped dumplings of milk solids which are deep fried then soaked in a thick sugar syrup
由印度牛奶乳酪炸成球型,再與糖水煮成,為熱甜品NT$90.0090.00 TWD

Cottage cheese soaked in malai (clotted cream) flavored with cardamom and saffron
印度牛奶球浸於番紅花、豆蔻等香料調味的奶漿中NT$120.00120.00 TWD

Rice pudding made by boiling rice with milk and sugar flavored with cardamom, saffron, cashew nuts
米和糖、牛奶一起燉煮,用豆蔻、堅果等調味NT$90.0090.00 TWD

可樂/健怡/零卡/雪碧NT$80.0080.00 TWD

NT$100.00100.00 TWD

NT$70.0070.00 TWD

NT$70.0070.00 TWD

NT$90.0090.00 TWD

NT$100.00100.00 TWD

NT$120.00120.00 TWD

NT$150.00150.00 TWD

NT$190.00190.00 TWD

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