The seeds are a rich source of iron, sodium, calcium and potassium. The seed may be added to naan (Indian traditional bread) , any type of curry or stew, and to dal. Lovers of these little black seeds praise their nutlike, somewhat peppery taste.
種子富含鐵、鈉、鈣和鉀。 種子可以添加到烤餅(印度傳統麵包)、任何類型的咖哩或燉菜和豆子中。 這些小黑種子的愛好者稱讚它們像堅果一樣,有點胡椒味。
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欲瞭解更多、大量批貨或和我們對話請Line: @miktaiwan
Whatsapp: +886921004175
Kalonji Nigella Seed 洋蔥子 100gm.