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Urad wash split Matpe Beans (धुली उड़द दाल) 馬友友扁豆

White lentils also known as Urad Wash or Urad Spli, Urad dhuli (in hindi)
It has a sturdy, earthy taste and creamy texture when cooked. Good supply of plant-based protein and dietary fibre. Rich in essential minerals such as Potassium, Calcium, Iron, Niancin and Riboflavin. Packed with B Vitamins and amino acids. Great aid in digestion, healthy skin and energy boost. Vegetarian and Vegan. It is used widely in South Indian cooking, eg. in making batters for vada, idlis and dosas.

它在煮熟後具有濃郁的自然風味和奶油質地。提供充足的植物性蛋白質和膳食纖維。 富含鉀、鈣、鐵、菸酸和核黃素等必需礦物質。 富含 B 族維生素和氨基酸。 極大地幫助消化,健康的皮膚和能量提升。 素食/全素。 它廣泛用於南印度烹飪,例如蒸米餅、豆子麵包、煎薄餅。


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Urad wash split Matpe Beans (धुली उड़द दाल) 扁豆

PriceFrom NT$80

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