Fresh Cumin seed, dried, roasted and grounded to perfection.
Whole cumin grounded to powder to sprinkle very little on salads, soups, curries etc. It is a cumin spice powder, not curry powder.for curries, raita etc.
整粒孜然磨成粉末用以撒上少許在沙拉、湯、咖哩等。 此為孜然香料粉,不是咖哩粉。
To know more details, order bulk or talk to us by line: @miktaiwan
欲瞭解更多、大量批貨或和我們對話請Line: @miktaiwan
Whatsapp: +886921004175
Cumin Jeera powder (जीरा) 孜然粉小茴香粉 100 gm.
庫存單位: MIKGS-016